International Yoga Day Celebration at Deki

International Yoga Day Celebration at Deki

International Yoga Day was celebrated with the usual gusto at Deki on 21st June from 8am to 9am.
Around 206 employees, including executives, attended the yoga session organised in the park facing the Deki plant and offices in NOIDA. CII officials also attended the session and appreciated the spirit and efforts put in by all.

Yoga instructors, Mr Pradeep Sharma and Mr K B Sharma led the gathering through various asanas including sukhasana, vajrasana, mandukasana, balasana, titli asana, among others. They also guided the participants through pranayama like bhramari, anulom vilom, etc. Their advice to those present was simple: doing these asanas daily would keep mind and body healthy.

The session ended with distribution of fruits for healthy eating.